Maximize Covid-19 Work from Home (WFH) Productivity

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And here’s the second wave of work-from-home (WFH) spurred by the pandemic. Most organizations are now convinced that WFH is here to stay. While it seems convenient and easy to adopt, one can become distracted, hence default to productivity. For a productive and happy work-from-home experience, check out the six WFH productivity tips.

1. Follow a Defined Working Window

Just like how you would organize your day and time in your office environment, organize your work from home routine in the same fashion. Clearly state your working hours, take a lunch, walk around, or recharge break in between. Stick to this routine daily, and you’ll be surprised at how productive you can be even while working from home. Consider the series of distractions you might encounter during your work hours and find a way to eliminate or work around them. 

Maximizing Work from Home (WFH) productivity during Covid-192. Sitting is the New Smoking

According to Nilofer Merchant, a Business innovator, Got a Meeting? Take a Walk. WFH is doesn’t mean you have to be at your computer the whole day. You have to be in front of your computer from start to finish of your working hours only. And even during that period, you can walk around, do some stretching, take a break if necessary. Remember, WFH shouldn’t mean you develop a sedentary lifestyle.

3.   Organize your Tech Usage

Working from home means you have to merge all your work apps on several devices to keep you connected on all ends. Following tips from Andrey Khusid, CEO of Miro, a whiteboarding platform for team collaboration, you can become as flexible as you want during your work hours while handling complex and collaborative works.

4.   Guard your Ambition

 The CEO of Precision Nutrition, online nutrition, and healthy lifestyle coaching and certification company, Tim Jones, advises that as a WFH employee, one must adopt the “results-only work environment” mindset (ROWE mindset). How you choose to organize your WFH schedule isn’t what concerns your employees. Just stay productive and drive in results, and you are good to go.

5. Ergonomic WFH Furniture

Just like sitting, you can also get some tangible work done while standing. The idea behind investing in a standing desk is to help prevent health issues from having a wrong sitting position. So, ditch your chair for some minutes, walk around while you stretch your back, legs, and shoulders. Furthermore, changing positions while working has proven to influence creativity.

6.   Zero-Based Schedule

Allen Brouwer and Cathryn Lavery initiated this concept. It simply translates into strategically planning every second of your time for increased productivity in your endeavor. According to Melanie Deziel, a professional speaker and consultant, “a zero-based calendar is a good strategy that helps you manage your projects better.

In conclusion, no matter how busy your work-from-home schedule gets, ensure you make time to balance other aspects of your life.

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Linda Ashok  
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