A No BS Blog Content Style Guide that Saves & Makes Money

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A No BS Blog Content Style Guide that Saves & Makes Money

For B2B or B2C content writers and startup founders, here’s the ultimate blog content style guide to standardize the editorial process. This blog content style guide helps with Search Engine Optimization or SEO requirement. You don’t have to pay another SEO expert to optimize your article after your content developer has provided you with the article. This standard is applicable for blogging for businesses across domains and industries.

Blog Content Style Guide

  1. Google Keyword Research: Use Google Keyword Research to find key phrases that people search with your main industry keyword.
  2. Text Length: The required text length is a minimum of 450 and a maximum of 500 words
  3. Paragraph Structure: 500 words= Intro and Conclusion of 50 words each and the remaining 400 words divided into 8 paragraphs of 50 words each/Or 500 words= Intro and Conclusion of 50 words each and the remaining 400 words divided into 4 paragraphs of 100 words each
  4. Keyphrase Density: In a 500-word article, use the keyphrase thrice. Double the keyphrase if the word count is double
  5. Keyphrase Length: 3-4 words, which is the central topic
  6. Title of the Article: Write the Title in 60 characters and include the entire key phrase.
  7. Font Case: For title and headers, use Sentence Case with first letters in the capital. For prepositions and articles, use lower case.
  8. Sentence Length: Do not exceed 12-14 words in one sentence. 
  9. Tense: Use present tense to avoid grammatical errors and create immediacy for attention.
  10. Keyphrase in the Introduction: Start your article with the keyphrase
  11. Meta Description Length: Write a post summary using the key phrase in 130 characters
  12. Keyphrase in Meta Description: Keyphrase or synonym appears in the meta description. Well done!
  13. Outbound Links: Find out two outbound links to substantiate figures or data you write about 
  14. Internal Links: Find out two inbound links to substantiate figures or data you write about.

We are sure this will save you or the money or help you earn already, as you don’t need anybody else to guide you for website blogging, long-form articles, and listicles. Following this process will help you maintain a 50% Readability score, which Google loves.

From the editor of StartuptoEnterprise.com


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Founding Editor

Linda Ashok  


  • Linda Ashok

    As the Founding Editor of StartuptoEnterprise.com, Linda is interested in emerging tech startups operating in the intersection of innovation, profitability, and social impact. Her primary focus is Europe & China followed by the US & India.

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