The New ChatGPT-4 Features & How it Succeeds ChatGPT-3

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The New ChatGPT-4 Features & How it Succeeds ChatGPT-3

The new GPT-4 chatbot, which was released on March 14, is the successor to the GPT-3 chatbot and is the technology that was used to create the popular chatbot ChatGPT.

OpenAI, the firm that was responsible for the immensely popular chatbot ChatGPT, has announced the launching of its new chatbot, GPT-4.

Elon Musk and Sam Altman’s San Francisco AI lab said in a blog post that their newest version is “multimodal,” meaning that it can take in both images and text and provide written results.

The CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, said on Twitter that ChatGPT-4 features are the “most capable and aligned” model yet although “it is still flawed.” He categorically mentioned that ChatGPT-4 features are “more creative than previous models, it hallucinates significantly less, and it is less biased.”

Understanding ChatGPT 

GPT stands for “generative pre-trained transformer.” This is a type of large language model (LLM) neural network that can do things like answer questions, summarise text, and even make lines of code. Deep learning is a method used by large language models to make text that looks like it was written by a person. ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that people can talk to. It uses the language models from GPT-3 and GPT-4. GPT-3 or GPT-4 would be the car’s engine if ChatGPT were a car.

Difference Between ChatGPT-3 and ChatGPT-4

GPT-3 came out in 2020. It was trained with 175 billion parameters, which made it the largest neural network ever made. Since then, GPT-3 has been tweaked, and in 2022, the GPT-3.5 series came out.

GPT-4 is the one that comes after GPT-3. OpenAI says that this version, which was released on March 14, can process up to 25,000 words, which is about eight times as many as GPT-3. It can also process images and handle instructions that are much more complex than GPT-3.5.

How Can you Access GPT-4?

For people who have never used ChatGPT before, the best way to start is by going to You can use GPT-3 if you sign up for a free account that gives you access to it.

To use GPT-4, users have to pay $20 a month for ChatGPT Plus, which gives them premium access to the service. When this was written, GPT-4 could only send 100 messages every four hours.

New Features of Chat GPT-4?

OpenAI says that GPT-4 is great at tasks that require more creativity, advanced reasoning, and an understanding of complex instructions. After just a few hours, users have already come up with some creative ways to use GPT-4.

Image Caption & Generate Recipes

The multimodal feature of GPT-4 lets users upload pictures of things like flour, butter, eggs, and milk. Then, GPT-4 will suggest some tasty things that can be made with those things. But it doesn’t look like this feature is yet available to GPT-4 subscribers from the general public.

Develop Coding Framework for Games

Twitter users have also shown how GPT-4 can be used to code whole video games in just a few minutes in their browsers. Here’s an example of how a user recreated the popular game Snake without knowing JavaScript, which is a common programming language for building websites.

Develop Websites

One of the unique ChatGPT-4 features is also that it can turn a hand-drawn sketch into an HTML page that works. All you got to do is copy the code and either run it on your server or pass it on to your developer. For small website features, ChatGPT-4 is a great savior. 

Chatbots that use AI are moving quickly. Google’s own chatbot, Bard, was released in February 2023. It uses a different language model called LaMDA.

Tech giants like Microsoft, Huawei, Alibaba, and Baidu, along with Google, are racing to release their own versions in a fierce battle to dominate this growing AI sector.

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Linda Ashok  
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