5 Global Spatial Computing Startups Create a Dependable Reality

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Immersive technologies have a new mate, “spatial computing,” where the physical and digital worlds converge seamlessly to create a new and dependable reality.

When you have parents in their late 60s, and there’s no visible caregiving opportunity around, you are in a fix to arrange one for them while not neglecting your personal and professional responsibilities. You can picture an older man in his wheelchair living in a digitally cataloged room where things and the environment auto-adjust to the man’s needs, ensuring his physical comfort at all times. With sensors and IoT controlled devices, the height of furniture auto-adjusts in the kitchen, living room, and the living space. If this person is your hypothetical parent, you are in charge of their complete safety thanks to spatial computing.

Spatial computing is an amalgamation of the virtual-reality and augmented-reality technology to render full-scale digitization of space with its objects. Basically, you can say that you have a home on earth and the cloud. But jokes apart, The combination of high-fidelity spatial mapping enables a computer “coordinator” to track and control how a person navigates through space in real-time, making way to new human-machine and machine-machine interactions to unprecedented new heights. Spatial computing will take home, health care, architecture, e-commerce, transportation by a storm. And as per the news, Flipkart, Microsoft, and Amazon have completed their M&A to revolutionize spatial computing space.

In 2003, when Simon Greenwold defined it as “human interaction with a machine in which the machine retains and manipulates referents to real objects and spaces,” the concept was alien and dumfounding. But with digital transformation endeavored across industries, spatial computing gained a natural inroad into computer-aided design (CAD). Engineers use CAD to create a 3D simulation of the environment, which has to be controlled. With spatial computing creating digital twins of objects, people, and locations, it renders a digital map of inhabitable spaces integrated with an algorithm that observes, monitors, quantifies and manipulates the real world to scale comfort and access of remote control.

Here are some of the top 5 global spatial computing startups extending the application of AR/VR beyond its known premises.

Magic Leap is a spatial-computing startup with enterprise solutions for multi-user copresence & file sharing, 3D model visualization for real-time design check and approval, and intuitive training modules for instant workforce upskill. 

Penrose Studios focuses on building frontier technology infrastructure, such as their patented spatial computing development platform, Maestro, and then package these technologies to consumers, emphasizing natural, intuitive, and human design.

Spatial.io creates lifelike avatars cohabiting them to transform a living space as a screen on your monitor with information to control workflow in conjunction with other immersive technologies such as VR/AR headsets, desktop, and phone to participate.

Gravity Sketch helps users express ideas in real-time, at any scale, from concept sketches through to detailed 3D models. It embodies spatial computing through a variety of digital tools in Virtual Reality and supporting tablet applications. 

Illumix upholds spatial computing through their custom AR gaming technology, unleashing any mobile device’s full potential. A more targeted and optimized approach leads to an unparalleled gaming experience by integrating across technology and content.

Please note that Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have awe-inspiring applications and startups and enterprises committed to its development. The most recent we came across is the incredible simulation of reality built by ZSpace working on 3D laptops in the space of futuristic education. But like the misappropriation of AR & VR used interchangeably, we specify spatial computing startups offer distinct experiences compared to those specifically focused on object reality enhancement instead of environment reality.

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Founding Editor

Linda Ashok  
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