Tag: WeDoSolar solar energy startup

WeDoSolar Solar Energy Startup Starts NetZero with your Balcony
Europe, Tech for Good, Technology

WeDoSolar Solar Energy Startup Starts NetZero with your Balcony

When energy prices are through the roof and not slowing down anytime because of Russia's obvious and devastating invasion of Ukraine, the haze over our energy dependence is getting clearer. Acting on this vital ask for humanity are green startups with forward-thinking ideas and products that help us offset the collateral damages of living. Among widespread methods of green energy production are Biogas, Biomass, Geothermal Energy, Low-Impact Hydroelectric, Nuclear Power, and Solar. We see a Berlin-based green tech solar panel manufacturer making great strides in the solar space. Founded on Sep 1, 2021, WeDoSolar GmbH is a smart balcony solar system that saves up to 25% on electricity bills and reduces up to 600kg of CO2.  WeDoSolar GmbH is on a mission to make solar energy available t...
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