Spot the Missing Spider on the New Web of Science™

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On July 7, 2021, Clarivate (NYSE: CLVT) announced enhancements to its Web of Science™ solution for global researchers. The Web of Science™ is positioned as a trusted publisher-independent global citation database helping the research community track ideas across disciplines and time from almost 1.9 billion cited references from over 171 million records.

The solution is guided by the legacy of Dr. Eugene Garfield, inventor of the world’s first citation index; a powerful research engine, the new version of the Web of Science simplifies how world-class data and analytics are indexed, accessed, and used via improved UI experience. The enhancements are expected to help the research community.

Clarivate’s Enhanced Web of Science™ Technology

Web of Science™ Beamplot

A new visualization tool or beamplot is a single data exhibit showcasing the researcher’s publication and citation impact. Researchers with publications included in the Web of Science Core Collection™ can evaluate their beamplot, offering contextual insights to research performance and consecutive improvement.


Enriched Cited References (Beta)

Select Journals included in the Web of Science Core Collection™ have a new visualization feature helping researchers navigate citations according to time, proximity, location, and several citations. This navigational enhancement helps researchers with context to author’s intent and subsequently gauge overall impact.

Funding Data

Every funded publication project now includes Award Date, Total Award Amount, Primary Investigator, and more. This new Web of Science™ enhancement captures funding data directly from grant repositories from funding agencies to aid comprehensive research assessment.


Patent-to-Article Citations on Web of Science™

Another new feature from the Web of Science™ is the simplified view of patents in a single table with 50% more patent-to-article citation links when querying the Derwent Innovations Index™. A clear display of links between research and patents helps researchers discover & demonstrate impact.

Share a Search Query & Advanced Search Workflow

In the new Web of Science™, one can copy a search query and share it directly with other researchers for better collaboration. A new query builder re-uses the search history to enable faster and easier precision searching for all users.

Export Citation Report & RIS Reference Format

The new data export workflow will aid time-efficient complex data pulling as users can now export up to 1,000 records at one go. The export can also be done in RIS reference format into EndNote™ and other bibliographic management tools as per the researcher’s choice.

Description: Image shows Web of Science™ Export Feature | Source: Clarivate™
Description: Image shows Web of Science™ Export Feature to Endnote | Source: Clarivate™

My Research Assistant & Intelligent Recommendation

The new Web of Science™ features futuristic developments, including custom home pages, author-alerts, and article-level metrics in tandem with My Research Assistant mobile application for saving publication researches. To make matter appealing, there is a feature to encourage serendipitous publication discovery through intelligent recommendation.

Senior Vice President of Product at Clarivate, Keith Collier,  informs that the new Web of Science™ enhancements empowers the research community to transform great ideas into reality. With Clarivate investing in advanced resources and tools, users experience an accelerated pace of research and discovery. The new Web of Science™’s intuitive modeling aid researchers with solutions as and when they need them.

The new enhancements to the citation database have been brought into effect through extensive feedback from customers. The preview of the new enhancements has been available since November 2020. The new Web of Science™ offers researchers a more responsive and personalized user experience as Clarivate has improved search capabilities, faster page load, greater accessibility for the visually or physically impaired, and mobile responsive design. Clarivate has detailed the entire transformation of the research intelligence application on their blog.

Clarivate™ is a global leader in accelerating innovation lifecycle. The organization strives to help its users with actionable information and insights, thereby reducing time consumption in fetching life to innovative ideas, often with greater impact on science and intellectual property. The subscription-based research technology provider, Clarivate Analytics, has acquired eight organizations, including Publons, Kopernio, TrademarkVision, Darts-Ip, Decision Resources Group, CPA Global, and Hanlim IPS. The latest acquisition was on May 17, 2021, when it acquired ProQuest. Information Source

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Linda Ashok  
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