Tag: Professor Peter Edwards

Green Tech: Upcycling Plastic  Waste into Hydrogen for Homes & Vehicles

Green Tech: Upcycling Plastic Waste into Hydrogen for Homes & Vehicles

One metric tonne of plastic waste blends with two hundred kilograms of iron powder catalyst to generate sufficient hydrogen for selective heating of approximately two hundred houses. The same process has the potential to produce 900 kg of graphite and carbon nanotubes, both of which can be incorporated into battery technology for electric power vehicles. The University of Oxford presents this incredible development in green technology. The team that has developed this technique has named it "microwave catalysis." The discovery is now being commercialized by CarbonMeta Technologies (OTCMKTS: COWI), which intends to create high-value products for the market by processing waste plastic on a large scale in microwave machines specifically designed for processing. This innovative "micr...
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