Tag: Holtzbrinck Publishing Group

The Anti-Gravity of an Unfunded Literary Publishing House from India
Business, India

The Anti-Gravity of an Unfunded Literary Publishing House from India

Amidst some of the positive returns of the pandemic is the return to reading books. There has been a noticeable surge in the publishing industry influenced by established startup entrepreneurs, sometimes by wantrepreneurs, yet sometimes by aesthetes those who use books for egalitarian shelf decoration. But whatever is the end purpose, at the forefront, publishing is doing well, asserts Dr. Kiriti Sengupta. Who is Dr. Kiriti Sengupta? Dr. Kiriti Sengupta is a critically acclaimed Indian English Poet, who along with the Indian novelist in vernacular Bangla, Bitan Chakraborty, are the Joint Directors of Hawakal Publishers, a private limited literary publishing house from India with over a decade of contribution. The company that started in 2008 as a small office in Kolkata bootstrapped to pr...
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