Tag: Google EU Penalty

Startups Worry about Google Breakup: The Good and the Bad

Startups Worry about Google Breakup: The Good and the Bad

The power of Google is not unknown to anyone. Most of its products enjoy a good position in the market and an edge over the competitors. Google Chrome wins the competition when web browsers are compared based on usage percentage. Google Search also holds a major market share in terms of search advertising. Gmail is one of the most preferred email services, and YouTube is the largest site in the world for video content. The popularity of Google Maps is unrivaled, and more than 70% of mobile phones in the world use the Android OS by Google. This is enough to understand how Google is part and parcel of our lives.  Governments and regulators are constantly trying to police and regulate Google so it doesn’t abuse its power. The three anti-trust investigations launched by the European union bear...
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