Tag: 6 Food-Tech Startups

6 Food-Tech Startups on Lab-Grown Meat for Vegetarians to Consider!

6 Food-Tech Startups on Lab-Grown Meat for Vegetarians to Consider!

Cell-cultured or lab-grown meat and fish are meat and fish produced in-vitro in laboratories than in the slaughterhouse. It is a form of tissue engineering through which a single cell is cultured to a full-grown loaf of meat. The cell culture methodology for meat was designed with clinical applications in mind. Professor at Maastricht University and founder of Mosa Meat, Dr. Mark Post, was the first to demonstrate the principle of cultured meat in 2013. He created the first burger patty from culturing animal cells. In the early 2000s, academicians tried testing the same processes for fish as a possible sustainable source of protein for astronauts leaving on a four-year mission to Mars. Benefits of Lab-Grown Meat and Fish Lab-grown meat and fish are a great respite for the animal kin...
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