Tag: Hellolyf CX Digital Dispensary

Dr. Azim’s Radical Move with Glocal Healthcare Systems
India, People, Tech for Good

Dr. Azim’s Radical Move with Glocal Healthcare Systems

Almost 28 percent of India's poor lack access to medical treatment; they do not have doctors within 100 km; if there are hospitals, they lack modern infrastructure and doctors who take any interest in global medical advancements. The challenge with healthcare is telling. When one child grows up to be a doctor by the brush of determination and hard luck, they migrate to the cities—taking a dig at this complex situation: Dr. Sabahat S. Azim, a doctor and ex-Indian Administrative Service officer of the year 2000 batch, is now an entrepreneur—the Founder & Managing Director of Glocal Healthcare Systems. Dr. Sabahat S. Azim hails from a middle-class family in a small town in India where every parent aspires their children to become doctors and engineers. It wasn't any exception with Dr. ...
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